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Vieux 04/03/2007, 01h04   #2 (permalink)
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il n'y a aucun risque de re-upgrader apres un downgrade 3.03

voila ce qui a été dit sur le site de la team noobz
After encountering the 'device full' error another two times today, on two separate non-modchipped PSPs, we did some more investigation, and have now finally understood exactly what causes it.

It seems that if you have a memory stick with corrupted data on it, then it can give the 8001001C error mentioned in the previous article, when you try to run the downgrader. Fixing the corrupted data fixed the problem.

The moral of this story is that it is best to run any downgrader on a totally clean memory stick - format the stick on your PSP before loading on the necessary files. And if you are having problems running the downgrader, try using a disk corruption fixer (like ChkDsk or the disk repair tools in Windows) on the memory stick, as it may fix it.

Dernière modification par xajo2 ; 04/03/2007 à 01h09.
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