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Vieux 17/09/2005, 15h53   #3 (permalink)
bad wolf
Bernard Tapette
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Factor 5 > Lair :

temps réel ...

GAMESPOT : « (...)the TGS trailer indicated the quality of graphics Factor 5 is going to achieve on the PS3. Before the trailer began, it was stated explicitly that all of the footage contained thereafter was running in real time on the development hardware; if that message is to be believed, the game will be visually impressive indeed. Granted, the system was only processing at most two characters onscreen at once, with little or no background geometry to consider, but the dragons were easily comparable in quality to many prerendered CG movies we've seen. »

> Le trailer tourne en 3D temps reel sur le kit de dev PS3. Le jeux est visuellement impressionant. La qualité du rendu des dragons est comparable a ce que l'on a put voir dans certains films en images de syntese.
StarCraft II ça trou le cul!!!
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