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Vieux 12/02/2011, 11h42   #32 (permalink)
Gamer toujours !
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Sauf que le 3.56 a été très fignolé pour éviter justement de pouvoir installer n'importe quel FW sur celui-ci. Si Sony a bossé autant qu'on le pense, ça sera peut-être pas aussi simple que ça. Et puis le temps qu'on a mit à avoir un CFW aussi...

Pour en revenir au sujet, un petit malin a réussi à trouver un protocole pour se connecter quand même au PSN !

Today an anonymous user on PS3-Hacks has posted a guide on connecting to PSN on (right-click, save as) with a video by tt94867 below.

To quote: Personally I haven’t tried this yet, but it seems promising... This comes from an anonymous fellow who is reporting success on connecting to PSN using PS3 Custom Firmware 3.55 by Kmeaw. So install that first and then follow these steps.

The following assumes you’re technically inclined and/or very resourceful, i.e. you know how to use Google. You’ll likely need to reference Google when it comes to generating/signing a certificate and creating a CA (certification authority). That said lets get started; here we’re using a combination of two tactics:

1. DNS server trick: Set Primary DNS to under Network Settings
2. Simple SSL proxy that basically modifies the headers for outgoing packets to’s to change “PS3 03.55″ to “PS3 03.56″ — this makes PSN believe the PS3 is using the proper firmware version

Got it? Now here is how we accomplish tactic #2:

1. Replacing a SSL cert in the CFW (in /dev_flash/data/cert) with your own CA SSL certificate
2. Creating an SSL certificate for “” signed with your CA certificate
3. Run a DNS server on your machine that resolves to your PC’s internal IP
4. Create a Java SSL proxy (basically PS3 <-> PC <-> PSN). The PC claims (to the PS3) that it is “” and is successfully accepted because a CA signed the SSL certificate
5. Replace the headers sent PS3 -> PSN to specify “PS3 03.56″

ChrisTechTV (if it works) they’ll need you for this one man!

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

Update: Looks like it works... Here is video proof:

And no, this isn’t a video tutorial. Wait for that.

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Dernière modification par Link14 ; 12/02/2011 à 11h50.
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