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Vieux 04/09/2010, 10h18   #41 (permalink)
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Pour info ,d'après le post de nafan sur ,
il semblerait que les commandes de teensy passé sur le site pjrc numéroté entre 4500 et 4600 ,on était envoyé .
La conversation entre pjrc et nafan :


I'd like to share this answer received from Paul (
Sorry for my poor english...

--- cut ---

> If you display the last order processed on Pjrc website, you will
> avoid 95% emails or phone calls !
> For example, my order is #458xx and I don't know if it will be shipped
> soon or not...

I'll try to get something displayed later today.

Just looking at the number is misleading. The numbers are sequential by
the time you started the order, but the queue is ordered by the time you
completed the checkout. While many of the 45000 and 46000 range shipped
yesterday, there were also a LOT of people who put the item in their
cart but waited a day or more to finish.

The numbers also don't represent the total number of orders, because a
lot of people put the item in the cart but never buy. I know a lot of
folks are participating in forums and probably have misconceptions about
these numbers. If you see any, maybe you could pass this info along?
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