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Vieux 30/07/2010, 13h21   #403 (permalink)
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Pour info, je fais parti des beta testeurs de la prochaine version de l'OS de la DSTwo.

Je vous tiendrai au courant si ça traine trop.

Mais revenons en aux news.
Tout viens à point à qui sais attendre ^^ le SDK est fini :
I am glad to tell you that the DSTWO SDK beta version is ready now. Actually, this is the first time SC team makes a SDK, so there must be a lot of bugs, so SC team do not wish to release the first version of SDK in public. The SC team wants to contact some developers directly, and send them the SDK and a free DSTWO. The developers can use the SDK to develop homebrew on the DSTWO, and can help the SC team to complete and make the SDK better, easier to use. The SC team promise they will release the SDK to the public when it is better and easier to use.
Actually, the DSTWO has a 360Mhz powerful CPU on board. The PSP CPU highest frequency is 333Mhz. So, in theory, all emulators running on PSP can be ported to the DSTWO with this SDK, which means SNES, GBA, GBC, MAME, PCE etc. all might run on the DS. At last, as you know, PSP can run PS1 games, maybe there could be a small chance to run PS1 games on your DS. Is it a dream or not, it is up to you homebrew developers! We need you, all DS owners need you, genius homebrew programmers. It is time to go beyond DS now.
Developer requirement:
1. You should have experience in making homebrew on the DS, it's better if you already developed homebrew.
2. The developer should know how to program in C or C++ (SDK language).
3. Understanding the bugs in the SDK would help to make it better.
4. You will promise not release the SDK without the SC team agreement.
5. Please write an email to with the subject: "It's time to go beyond DS¡" if you are interested
Voilà les dev n'ont qu'à le demander à la team SC, il recevrons le SDK et certains (ceux qui ont déjà un nom sur la scene DS et/ou de développement en général recevrons en bonus une DSTwo ^^).

LE SDK fini l'émulateur SNES ne devrait pas trop tarder (enfin espérons le :p).

Donc comme d'hab ça bouge chez Supercard, des projets, des sorties, des avancées, des tests, une team qui se sort les doigts du c.. en clair

Dernière modification par alfadir ; 30/07/2010 à 13h23.
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