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Vieux 23/04/2010, 10h08   #17 (permalink)
Hardstyle Addict
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je viens de voir ce post sur GBA , cela pourra peut être t'aider :

i finally got smb working, in case this helps anyone...

you can only share a FOLDER not a drive. its gay in my opinion, but thats the only way to smb share. using win7, right click the folder, go to share with -> specific people then drop down to everyone and click add. let win7 do its thing and it should work.

use your ipv4 address (you can get this from going to a command prompt and typing ipconfig). make sure you type the name of the folder you just shared in wiimc. and user/pass if you have one.

j'imagine qu'il faut que tu crées un dossier à la racine de ton NAS , et que tu mettes tes vidéos dedans.

This ain't noise man ! This is fuc**** SHOWTEK !! My favourite fuc**** music !!!
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