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Vieux 22/04/2008, 11h00   #168 (permalink)
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Faites attention avec les jeux VC hackés. Je l'ai déjà dit un peu plus haut mais ils sont très facile à detecter par Nintendo.

Nintendo peut vous "bannir" du service Online ou vous bloquer l'utilisation du jeu.
Chapter: Unauthorized Devices or Accessories.

Your Wii Console and the Wii Network Service are not designed for use with any unauthorized device or any non-licensed accessory. You may not use any such device in connection with your Wii Console or Wii Network Service. Such use may be illegal, voids any warranty and is a breach by you of this agreement. Nintendo may take steps to disable any unauthorized device installed in your Wii Console, including, but not limited to detecting and disabling your Wii Console through the Wii Network Service and/or game software. If a modification is detected, your access to the Wii Network Service may be disabled and/or games may be unplayable until the modification is removed. Further, such use may lead to injury to yourself or others and may cause performance issues and/or damage to your Wii Console and the Wii Network Service. Nintendo (as well as any Nintendo licensee or distributor) is not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the use of such device or non-licensed accessory.
C'est difficile pour Nintendo de détecter une puce mais c'est très facile de détecter les jeux VC crackés.

Vous ne pourrez pas dire que vous n'êtes pas prévenu.

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