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Vieux 18/06/2004, 18h28   #17 (permalink)
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pdh du forum DCEmu (anglophone) affirme avoir testé udcdivx de bero avec un divx qui tournait assez bien... (avi, DivX5, 592bitrate, 352x288 resolution, with stereo mp3 at 22050, 25 frames per second. )

message original:

I tried playing The Office avi, DivX5, 592bitrate, 352x288 resolution, with stereo mp3 at 22050, 25 frames per second. This played fine in the Bero player, fullscreen, no synch problem, no dropped frames, in essence no problems at all. Using the uDCdivx May2nd release, the avi played, it was less than fullscreen, with massive frame rate loss, probably running at about 5 frames per second. But sound was fine. but in essence unplayable.

D'ailleurs, la beta 5 viens juste d'être releasée le 15 de ce mois-ci; voici les principaux changements:

Changes in "Beta 5" release (15/06/2004):

- FFW a bit more stable
- New cache system (re-write it all)
- a little more of speed
- some things re-added

try it out here -->

Leave your findings below.

et hop, on ajoute le ch'tit commentaire de Mekanaizer lui-même !!!:

The player works really great for my needs (movies). 
Now i need help from all of you. And really good 
feedback, since i made my best in this release. And a 
future release only be out to public if i get really 
good feedback. So for now uDCdivx will be 
public-stoped/private-wip, but not dead. I have other 
projects to take care of. 
I hope you understand what i mean with this. 
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