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Vieux 17/09/2007, 11h30   #5 (permalink)
Too old for this shit
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Date d'inscription: mai 2006
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Je suis presque sur que çà existe, un dev avait posté un outil de transfert CM <-> SD sur il y a qques mois (truc passé complètement inaperçu, en même temps j'aurais du le poster sur meta :p) mais vu que le site est parti...

Et t'as du bol, je l'avais téléchargé, et le prog était sur un dvd de backup windows avant mon dernier formatage


MCBackup 0.1 -SD Version



MCBackup is an utility for the Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii (running in GC mode)
More info about MCBackup here: TehWii :: Welcome!


Use it on your own risk!, if your SD Card get corrupted, I've tested it on GC and works
well and it was tested on Wii -thanks endergx.

. Some fixes.
. Initial release

-=[ FEATURES ]=-

.Backup a file to SD Card from Memory Card
.Restore a file from SD Card to Memory Card


.SMB Support -It's inactive


.SoftMod and/or HardMod (to boot the dol)

=[ MENU ]=-

Y Button : Backup a file to SD CARD
X Button : Restore a file from SD CARD
Z Trigger : Reset utility

-=[ USER NOTES ]=-

This utility is provided as a .dol which is a Gamecube Executable. You only need to load and run
the DOL on your GC or WII (Gamecube Pad needed) using various methods (Bootable DVD, SDLOAD,...)
If you have no idea on how to load&run a DOL, please go here on follow the available guides: (Booting Homebrew Section)

Using SDCARD, GCI files are going to be created/placed in a directory named MCBACKUP, on the root of your SDCARD.

Any file that is backed up, is created (and overwritten I think) in your SD Card.
If your file is going to be placed in Memory Card and it exists on it won't overwrite, you must delete it first.

-=[ DEV NOTES ]=-

According to the GNU status of this project, the sourcecode MUST be included in any binary releases you made.
To recompile the sourcecode, you will need to have installed:
. DevkitPPC environment
. libOGC last sources
. compiled libfreetype2

You also need to replace the gu_psasm.S file which is located in the /LIBBOGC directory (from the root of libogc source directory)
with the one included in this release and then recompile/reinstall libogc.

If you have no idea on how to compile DOLs , please refer to this thread:

-=[ CREDITS ]=-

Original MCBackup Sourcecode: TehWii :: Welcome!
Generic LibOGC (GX,Sound,Inputs) & GUI display sourcecode: SoftDev
MCBackup Updating Code: Askot
Programmers that helps a lot: Eke-Eke & SoftDev
DevkitPPC / LibOGC by Wntrmute & Shagkur
ZLIB by Jean-loup Gailly
Great site maintained by brakken: TehSkeen - Brakken's Personal Video Game Console Modification Site Blog
Pour un outil DVD <-> MC là je vois pas =(
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