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Vieux 05/09/2007, 17h44   #1168 (permalink)
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bah oui logiquement c ça !
un fichier dummy c'est comme du Canada Dry !!
C'est un fichier de 0Ko avec le meme nom et la meme extension qu'un gros fichier....
c space ton pb ! sinon mp !

Here is how to rip MHF2:
1-Download the ExtractorRebuilder.exe from the link provided by 0x90 in this thread
2-Extract the DATA.BIN from the MHF2's ISO and put it the same folder of ExtractorRebuilder.exe
3-Run ExtractorRebuilder.exe, open the extracted DATA.BIN and press Extract button. The program will create a @EXTRACT folder with about +10,000 files
4-Delete the FILE_00000001
5-Create a blank text file (0 bytes) in the @EXTRACT folder and rename the blank file as FILE_00000001
6-Press the Rebuild button
7-Press the Patch button
8-Rename the DATA.BIN as DATA.BIN.ORIGINAL (or delete it if you prefer)
9-Rename the DATA.BIN.0x90 as DATA.BIN
10-Open the MHF2's ISO with UMDGEN 4.0
11-Replace the PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA.BIN with the ripped version of DATA.BIN (I used drag & drop)
12-Select all files in UPDATE folder, right-click -> Dummy
13-Save the ISO as CSO and you will have a full version of the game of 364MB

Dernière modification par thairacer ; 05/09/2007 à 17h50.
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