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Par défaut [Loader] Open PS2 Loader 0.9.3

Fiche technique :

Nom : Open PS2 Loader
Développeurs : SP193, doctorxyz (GSM), Bat Rastard (PS2RD)
Développeurs historiques : ifcaro, volca, hominem_te_esse, jimmikaelkael
Catégorie : Loader jeux PS2
Description : OPL est un loader de jeux et apps PS2 100% open source pour PS2 et PS3 (rétrocompatibles) depuis le port USB, le réseau (serveur SMB) et le disque dur interne. GSM (outil pour forcer des modes vidéos) et PS2RD (outil pour cheater) sont maintenant intégrés à OPL.
Code source - Bitbucket (obsolète) : OPL Bitbucket
Code source - Github : OPL Github
Topic officiel : Lien

==== Version 0.9.3 ====


* New RDB-based DECI2 Debugging System.
* Refactored and optimized core modules.
* New CDVDMAN streaming mechanism for better performance.
* Kinder, gentler, and hopefully better IGR mechanism
* Added support for the DTL-T10000, for debugging.
* Updated USB drivers - support drives greater than 1TB but less than 2TB in capacity, plus better reliability.
* Eliminated the need for user-configurable delays in USB support.
* Improved performance and stability of SMB support.
* VMC Fix - Slot2 should no longer clone Slot1 and vice versa
* Removed obsolete Compatibility Modes and needless GSM video modes.
* New PS2RD Cheat Engine port by Doctorxyz.
* Per-Game GSM Support.
* New super-slim EE core, making mode 1 (Alt EE core) obsolete.
* Added Accurate Reads mode, for emulating the reading speed and behaviour of the CD/DVD drive.
* The CallBack Timer (CBT) setting now uses a standardized value and was merged into Accurate Reads mode.
* Added a workaround for some clone network adaptors.
* Mode 7 "IOP threading hack" removed, as the new streaming mechanism has taken care of all related issues.
* New compatibility mode: "high module storage". For games that need OPL to store its modules elsewhere, to avoid a memory conflict.
* Improved reading performance of the cdrom device.
* Improved reliability of some CDVDMAN functions, for more consistent behaviour.
* Improved DVD-DL support.
* Changed "Disable DVD-DL" to "Emulate DVD-DL" to better explain what it does. It's to emulate DVD-DL support, for DVD9 rips (games with their 2 layers compacted into 1).
* Fixed support for SMB usernames and passwords that are longer than 16 characters (limit extended to 31).
* Fixed renaming functionality for USBExtreme games.
* Various fixes for games.


* Improved the behaviour of the auto-refresh option.
* GSM moved to Game Options menu since its a Per-Game option now.
* Infamous "Blockhead Grande" theme bug SQUARSHED! (Themes should now get loaded correctly, regardless of display settings).
* New logo design by Berion, new changed icons by El_Patas.
* Better error reporting and help messages in general.
* Network settings are now saved in opl_network.cfg.
* Improved stability, design and UI responsiveness.
* Added missing icon hints.
* Fixed the problem with the HDLDump server being difficult to shut down properly.
* Fixed HDD corruption caused by deleting a game from the HDD unit.
* Added a new network update mechanism, which allows game compatibility records to be automatically downloaded from the OPL-CL service.
* SMB server can now be specified by its NetBIOS name.
* IP address configuration can be set automatically with DHCP, although it is still recommended to reserve an IP address for the PS2 in the network because the DHCP reservation will not be ever renewed while in-game.
* Renamed "Enable Delete and Rename" to "Enable Write Operations".
* Changed the delete and modify VMC controls to be disabled instead of hidden, when writes are disabled.
* ISO disc images no longer strictly need to be named in a special format. Simply put your ISO files in your CD and DVD folders and OPL will find them.
* Game history will now be updated; the "towers" behind the "SONY Computer Entertainment" boot screen should continue to grow.
* Added support for OTF fonts.
* Added support for fonts stored on the HDD unit (root of +OPL partition; hdd0:+OPL/) and USB device (root of device; mass0:/).


* New patch: Choujikuu Yousai Macross
* New patch: Super Robot Wars IMPACT
* Drive state of sceCdStandby has been changed to PAUSE: Check iTV
* New patch: Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
* New patch: The Oneechanbara
* New patch: The Oneechanpuruu
* New streaming mechanism for better playability: Various BEMANI games
* Initialization is performed for search functions: Lifeline
TELECHARGEMENT : Open PS2 Loader 0.9.3 - stable (incluant la trad FR - dans le pack de langue) : >> ICI <<
  • Comment utiliser la traduction FR ?
  1. Copiez et collez les fichiers de langue (.lng) et de police d'affichage (.ttf) dans le dossier OPL de votre carte mémoire (mc?:/OPL/) à l'aide d'uLE
  2. Lancer OPL
  3. Puis allez dans "Menu" (touche start) et puis dans "Display Settings", choisissez 'Language"
  4. Sélectionnez "French_0.9.3"
  5. Faites "Ok" (bas de l'écran)
  6. Sauvegardez les changements ("Sauvegarder" dans le menu principal d'OPL)
  7. Profitez maintenant de la dernière build d'OPL en français

************************************************** *************

Après la sortie de 0.9.3, OPL repasse en OBT.

- Topic officiel des betas 0.9.3+ : >> ICI <<
- Téléchargement Open PS2 Loader 0.9.3+ - betas officielles : >> ICI <<
- Open PS2 Loader 0.9.3+ - betas language pack - incluant la trad FR : >> ICI <<

************************************************** *************

- Liste de compatibilité - en lecture (tenue à jour par Allan58) : OpenPS2Loader 093 - Compatibility List
- Formulaire de dépôt de rapport de compatibilité : ici

************************************************** *************

- Open PS2 Loader 0.9.3 - User Guide (anglais :/ : >> ICI <<

Dernière modification par ShaoliAss ; 06/01/2017 à 11h48.
ShaoliAss est déconnecté   Réponse avec citation
Ces 4 utilisateurs disent Merci à ShaoliAss pour ce poste utile:
Allan58 (06/09/2015), bossmen (02/10/2016), mustafas (21/03/2016), Subaru-San (22/12/2019)