Discussion: [WII] The Last Story
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Vieux 14/10/2010, 13h30   #29 (permalink)
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The Last Story: New Details Emerge (Wii)

Posted 14 October 2010 | News, Nintendo, Nintendo Wii
During an interview with Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, Hironobu Sakaguchi of Mistwalker has revealed some new details of upcoming Wii exclusing RPG, The Last Story. The game, is being directed by Sakaguchi, which will the first game he’s directed in 18 years.
Sakaguchi’s fame stems from creating the Final Fantasy series, directing development of Final Fantasy 1 – 7. Sakaguchi noted that the game has spent a long time in prototype phase, comparing it to Final Fantasy VII which took about a year to iron out the details. The Last Story has taken a year and a half to refine and morph into the title that it is today. The director joked that with so many elements taken out or changed, they could’ve easily made a second game.
One such system was a “UFO” – the world was set up so that UFO like discs would fly from enemy spawn points. This was eventually given up, but other such systems have evolved or matured into more refined mechanics. Sakaguchi noted that so much emphasis was put on gameplay, more than anything else;
“The true drama for the story emerges during battle” he said, “This time, we wanted to make the systems first, then later insert cut scenes that matched up with this.”
The Last Story, it was revealed, takes place in one massive town. The town is complete with ally ways, civillians, shops and a rich culture. Iwata described it as “astonishingly detailed and deep”.
“It’s an extremely big town where lots of things will occur. I still get lost in some back roads,” Sakaguchi said.
One feature of the town was pointed out that if you bump into someone walking in the street, they’ll yell “What?!” but as you get stronger as the game progresses, they’re more likely to apologise.
It was also revealed that you are able to change the characters clothing throughout the game. The feature was originally rejected, however, it was found to add a deeper level of freedom to the player.

j'aimerais bien voir comment va-t-il faire pour creer du drame pendant des phase de gameplay. Ion Storm (Warren Spector) ont completement rate ce point (alors qu'il aurait pu en avoir a Hell Kitchen, au HQ de Majestic 12 et surtout a la fin, qui est plus ridicule qu'autre chose (Deus Ex est l'un des meilleurs jeu auquel j'ai jouer). Epic Mickey semble vouloir aller dans cette direction, j'ai des doutes...
Et le plus important: du Dungeon Crawling

6 secondes de video
YouTube - [PN] Lineup Wii ? Septembre 2010
(vers 2:00)

sortie 27/01/2011 au japon
No life blazé et fier de l'être
"Today we write the first page of a new history: our history. Each of you must play his part."

Dernière modification par fei ; 14/10/2010 à 13h37.
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